RPF Constable Exam Date 2025: On Wednesday, January 28, 2025, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) released a notice for the tentative schedule of Computer Based Test (CBT) for the position of 4208 constable vacancies under Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) RPF 02/2024. As per the notice, the CBT is scheduled to be conducted from March 2 to March 20, 2025. Explore the necessary details in this detailed article.
Railway RPF constable exam date
Exam Name | RB RPF Constable Exam 2025 |
Exam Date | March 02 to March 20, 2025 |
Medium of Examination | Computer Based Test (CBT) |
Official Website | https://rpf.indianrailways.gov.in/ |
Railway RPF constable exam : Other details
RPF constable exam city slip
The link for viewing the exam city and date as well as downloading of travel authority for SC/ST candidates will be made available 10 days prior to the examination date on the official website of all the RRBs.
E-call letters (admit cards)
RPF Constable Exam Date 2025: Candidates can download their e-call letters (admit cards) 4 days prior to the exam date, as indicated in the exam city and date intimation link.
Aadhaar based biometric authentication
It has been advised to bring original Aadhaar card or print out of e-verified aadhaar for verifying biometric authentication before entering exam hall. Candidates are instructed to carry out the authentication of their identity through Aadhaar verification if not done already, by logging in at www.rrbapply.gov.in for a seamless entry process at the day of examination.
Railway RPF constable exam selection process
The listed below steps are involved in the selection process of RPF constable exam:
- Online Computer-Based Test (CBT)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
- Document Verification (DV)
RPF Constable Exam Date 2025: Candidates are advised to read the detailed CEN for a full detail on the above mentioned selection process. After the above mentioned process candidates are sent for a Medical Examination (ME) at any railway hospital, required to qualify in category B-1 as per Indian Railway Medical Manual. It is mandatory to pass a medical examination.
Also Read: Indian Railways to Accept DigiLocker Records for Recruitment: A Real Turning Point in Hiring Process
Afterwards, candidates are sent for initial training, it is also compulsory for them to go through the training process to complete the recruitment process. The below mentioned link to detailed CEN offers the process detail as well as other necessary information regarding the notification.
(Detailed Centralized Employment Notice RPF 02/24)
Railway RPF constable exam: Other important details
Follow official sources
RPF Constable Exam Date 2025: The notice clearly stated and advised the candidates to refer only to the official website of RRBs for the latest updates on recruitment process and to not be misled by unauthenticated sources.
Beware of touts
RRBs have cautioned the candidates against touts who may misguide them with fake promises of job appointments in exchange of illegal consideration. RRBs selection is based solely on performance in Computer Based Test (CBT) and recruitment is strictly merit based.
For the direct link of RRB Notice, Click Here.
The true purpose of these government jobs is to offer promising careers ahead. But despite giving bright career achievements, these opportunities take us away from our life’s true purpose. Let’s discover the true purpose of our life in the following section.
Life’s True Purpose Beyond Career Accomplishments
There is no denying the fact that our human birth is precious and rare, obtained after undergoing the atrocities of 84 lakh animal forms. This cherished human birth is granted solely for achieving its ultimate purpose, salvation. It is the process of liberation from this material world by worshipping the Supreme God Kabir, and attaining the everlasting abode Satlok. The process of worship begins after seeking refuge in a Tatvdarshi Sant (Complete Saint) as per verse 34 of chapter 4 in holy Gita ji.
Presently, Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the sole identity of a Tatvdarshi Sant who fulfills all the definitions of a Complete Saint as mentioned in verse 1-4 of chapter 15 in holy Gita ji. Moreover, the way of worship provided by Him is giving unimaginable benefits to His devotees, which even includes extension of life. Further, on following this true path of worship, these career accomplishments become a mere by-product.
For a more detailed overview about His groundbreaking path to true spiritual enlightenment, visit His website www.jahatgururampalji.org or you can watch His spiritual discourses at His youtube channel ‘Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’.