Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd has rolled out Hall Tickets for the post of Junior Assistant (Accounts). Explore the news story in full detail to know about how to download your admit card for the post of Junior Assistant (Accounts).
MSEDCL Junior Assistant Hall Ticket 2024 : How to download?
Follow the detailed guidelines to know how to download admit card for the post of Junior Assistant (Accounts):
- Go the website of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (MSEDCL)
- On the homepage, under flashing recent notifications one can find the notification of the post of Junior Assistant (Accounts) published on 8th October, 2024 for downloading the call letter.
- Alternatively, one can click on this link to reach the post notification. (Junior Assistant: Notification for Admit Card)
- Click and visit the webpage to download the call letter. (Download from here)
- Enter login details, Registration number/ Roll Number, Password/DOB, and fill in the given captcha and click on login.
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen in the next step.
- Candidates are advised to check their each and every detail carefully.
- Once done, download the admit card and keep a printout for future use.
MSEDCL Junior Assistant Hall Ticket 2024 : Miscellaneous Details
- The link to admit card is available till 18th October 2024.
- It includes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) having four choices.
- Candidates are given negative marks of 1/4th of the total marks of the question.
- There are a total of 75 questions and the maximum marks are 150. Candidates will be given a time of 75 minutes for the examination.
- Subjects for questions are professional knowledge, reasoning, Quantitative aptitude and questions on marathi language.
- Candidates will be selected on this online test, there will be no interview.
- The recruitment drive is for the post of 468 posts. For more information check out the official notification information and also try the sample questions given.
(MSEDCL Junior Assistant Hall Ticket Official Notification)
The Biggest Exam Is To Make Our Human Life Successful
- While preparing for exams to shine bright and have a good living in our future, we often forget the basic purpose of our human life, salvation, that’s why awareness drives like these are made through blogs and videos, so that people can wake up and identify the reality.
- Attaining salvation by worshipping Supreme God Kabir is the purpose of salvation. This can be done by seeking refuge of His Tatvdarshi Sant.
- Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Tatvdarshi Sant of Supreme God Kabir, providing the true way of worship outlined in our sacred texts.
- As He holds true on all identifications of being a Tatvdarshi Sant, hence we should not delay seeking his refuge.
- To learn and understand more about His true spiritual knowledge visit