Improve Work-Life Balance: Success in life is not a one day job, it is the result of consistent hard-work, patience, perseverance and discipline, maintained throughout the life. The outcome of these activities depends on various factors, successfully attained by balancing personal and professional life.
Everything in life is just about the right balance in between the right things at the correct moment. Our life is primarily occupied with personal and professional space, this article will help you understand how to maintain the right balance in between them to extract a smoother life ahead.
Understanding work-life balance
Work-life balance is a distribution of time and energy between professional and personal pursuits in a manner that enables satisfaction in both areas. It does not mean dividing time equally, but rather finding a rhythm that works for your unique needs and circumstances.
The importance of work-life balance
It is not advisable to run your life randomly without any planning or goals. It is very important to have goals and their corresponding achievement over the period of time. And these goals teach us the importance of having a work-life balance. Below mentioned are some benefits of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Better mental health
Overworking often leads to stress, anxiety and depression. Time for personal life reduces stress and clears the mind. Further, it also allows us to work towards those tasks that require priority.
Better relationships
Every relation in our personal life demands attention, maintaining a healthy work-life balance gives us enough space to manage our relations wisely. It is usually achieved by avoiding discussion of work related problems at home and vice versa.
Also Read: Effective Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance and Boosting Productivity
Increased productivity
Our life is a balance between our thoughts and our actions. The more these activities are, the clearer our life shall be, enhancing our overall efficiency with it as well.
Personal growth
Spare-time hobbies and interests away from work make life more creative and worth living. The overburdened pressure at the workplace has hindered the personal growth for many, forcing them to work even after working hours. Effective management of time is the key to grow personally and professionally simultaneously.
Work-life balance challenges
Maintaining work-life balance is not easy, the challenges encountered are briefed below:
Technology overload
With the various advancements in the field of science and technology, the challenges are also drawn along. Prolonged use of smartphones and the development in social media over the past two decades is the root cause for disrupting work-life balance.
Work culture
Most working places encourage their employees to work for long hours, making personal time seem inferior. Particularly in India, all the small scale businesses and majority of the workplaces are not into the practice of following a pre-decided work schedule.
Personal expectations
The drive to excel in all areas often leads to overcommitment. Instead of transforming yourself into an all-rounder, engage yourself in developing specialised skills. Make yourself understand the fact that this world works on a chain system, we are dependent on each other for our survival, nobody is fully equipped with everything.
Work-life balance strategies
Amid rising challenges the need to have an effective work-life balance is ever increasing. Below mentioned are some of the strategies which can help us develop the required work-life balance.
Establish clear-cut boundaries
Decide on the work timings and stick to those rigidly. Never check emails or attend calls related to work during personal time.
Arrange tasks using to-do lists and a calendar. Give more regard to what really matters whether at work or home. One can use built-in smartphone applications to prepare to-do lists and on the go notes for an effective management of time.
Say no
It is counterproductive to be overloaded with responsibilities. It is okay to say no to tasks that disrupt the balance.
Take time for yourself
Keep taking breaks and spend that time on self-care, exercises, or relaxation. Personal health is not to be compromised at any time.
Communicate effectively
Discuss expectations with employers and loved ones. Transparency helps in aligning mutual goals and responsibilities.
Be flexible
If possible, consider options for flexible work, such as working remotely or flexible hours. It can help us take our time for personal needs.
The role of employers
Organizations are also counted as one of the major facilitators in maintaining the required work-life balance. They can facilitate employees by providing:
- Flexible working hours.
- Mental health support programs.
- Regular breaks and vacation policies.
- Encourage work-life balance culture.
Despite making efforts into effective work-life balance strategies, the results are still not streamlined in most of the cases. The reason behind the fall is the missing element to integrate life in the right spiritual direction. Let’s learn how Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj helps in achieving the right work-life balance.
Attaining work-life balance spiritually
Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj educates people with true spiritual knowledge and the power in the recitation of true mantras. He helps them in aligning their daily life with spiritual values and practices as outlined in our sacred texts. He prioritises on following essential daily spiritual practices, avoiding the everlasting quest for materialistic objects.
The ‘Way of Living’ given by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj helps devotees detach from worldly anxieties while maintaining a disciplined lifestyle through the way of worship provided by Him. This further helps them effectively manage their time for personal and professional responsibilities. Also, it helps them attain peace and professional productivity.
In order to know more about His ground-breaking true spiritual knowledge, visit or watch His spiritual sermons at ‘Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’ youtube channel.